Mena B Real Estate is a boutique mobile real estate agency that offers a range of residential property services tailored to meet each client’s individual needs. This includes representing you in selling your valuable home or investment property, or perhaps you are ready to start or add to, your property investment portfolio.
The Principal, Filomena Bruno, is also a Registered Psychologist who provides online psychology and coaching services with a special interest in evidence-based workplace mental health and wellbeing. She utilises her longstanding experience in helping people achieve their goals and potential, and translating this into negotiating the best possible outcome for her real estate clients. You can contact Filomena by
phone or email for a confidential chat for all your real estate selling or buying needs.
If you are thinking of either selling or buying, contact Filomena Bruno to arrange a free confidential chat.
Exciting news that includes Australian expats:
Mena B Real Estate now provides an International Real Estate Advocacy specialising in the Puglia and Campania regions, Italy. Contact Filomena to discuss.